of my Amazon Best Selling Book
in Preventive Medicine
to Help YOU Build a Better Body!
Getting Started is Easy!
In chapter 1 learn the #1 problem reported as a barrier to adopting a healthy lifestyle. The answer to this problem is found on page 8!
TRY a NEW Approach
Confused by so many conflicting messages about nutrition and exercise? In my book I cut through the confusion. You'll learn the latest evidence based science from the fields of performance nutrition, exercise science and rehabilitation medicine.
How to Set SMART Goals
Learn the key steps needed to make actionable health changes. Find out where you are on the behavior change continuum and how to move the needle to stay accountable to your goals.
Body Comp- Fit or Fat?
Let's take a dive into your fat and muscle cells to discover why most diets have it all wrong and end up sabotaging your body compostion and health. We have the fix and the way to know what you are losing, fat or muscle!
Body in Balance offers a “feel better perform better” plan highlighting the best principles behind how to extend your health span by making responsible educated choices based on the latest science in wellness and prevention.
This simple and easy-to-read guide will show you how to get your body back in balance with a personalized clean diet and corrective exercise plan.
Learn why Body in Balance quickly topped the charts as an Amazon Best Seller in Preventive Medicine. No Hype-No False Promises!
This Smart Solution offers a sensible plan to remove genetically modified foods and irritants, and provides a clear system to add back in powerful healing micronutrients along with a smart physical therapist designed corrective exercise plan.
Learn Amazing Tips to Increase Your HealthSpan Plus More Evidence Based Action Steps to Help FINALLY ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS !
Here's what our customers are saying on Amazon with 5 Star Reviews!!
"David Dansereau has written an educated and informed book on the American way of eating that is clear and accessible to non-scientists. This is a must read for all those serious about their health - and their children's health. As a clinical nutritionist and physical therapist, Dansereau is well acquainted with the maladies of modern living. His well-researched evidence is quite convincing and motivating for all those who wish to change their eating for good health and longevity."
"Occasionally, a book comes along that has the potential to change millions of peoples lives in a profound way. Body in Balance is one of these books. David Dansereau has distilled his 25 years of nutrition and physical therapy expertise into this practical, no-hype user manual for health and fitness. If you're serious about your family's health and well-being, read this book often, use the tools and resources, and put your fitness plan into action with David's guidance. You'll look better, feel great and live each day with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.".
"Following a serious spinal cord injury, I received this book as a gift during my stay at a rehabilitation hospital in Boston, Ma. It has become my bible! I've adopted the simple diet an exercise principles outline in the book and used them to fuel my obsession to get better. The author, David Dansereau, understands recovery from both a personal and professional level. He is a stroke survivor and a Physical Therapist/Sports Nutritionist. Using this unique background he has put together the ultimate hand book for both recovery and everyday living. Thank you David for your honest straight forward approach to fitness and well being."
Plus, when you order a copy on Amazon and share your thoughts on David's book with a review, you'll get these great digital bonuses!
Hurry! Limited time offer!
100% Absolutely FREE with your book purchase and review or when you enroll in David's New Achieve Balance Course below.
Bonus #1- Learn Your Movement Age
An assessment tool from David's Smart Movement Screen to quickly pinpoint where you may be restricted in range of motion and to score your movement age. Used for goal setting, initiating corrective exercises and measuring your fitness progress.
Detail From Amazon's Body in Balance Book Description:
Body in Balance offers a “feel better perform better” plan highlighting the best principles behind how to extend your health span by making responsible educated choices based on the latest science in wellness and prevention. At the core of Body in Balance is a goal of improving your skill power to help you shift your mindset and begin thinking toward a more natural, healthier way of exercising, training, and living—and one that challenges some commonly held assumptions around nutrition and popular fitness trends. Filled with lessons and client success case studies from David’s own peak performance method, and simple smart moves and action steps to help readers develop and maintain their own individualized peak performance plan, Body in Balance also advocates for more effective approaches to functional strength and balance training, proper hydration and nutrition, mindfulness and stress recovery, and other lifestyle and environmental exposure choices that can extend performance, as well as quality of life.
With self-paced instructions, assessments, and care plans with in-depth case studies and analysis that David uses himself and practices with hundreds of successful clients annually, Body in Balance offers a smart solution you can use as a blueprint to achieve your own results.
If your diet and inactivity are wearing you down, this book offers a smart solution to help you identify and remove genetically modified foods and irritants, add back in powerful healing nutrients and get you moving by showing you how fitness can be your best medicine. Learn how to restore your body back in balance with a personalized clean diet and functional performance exercise plan. Get started today, at any age, and extend your health span. Keep moving forward with optimal health by ordering your copy on Amazon today or join David's new course-Achieve Balance.
"Americans desperately need to pay attention and read this book! Dansereau makes it easy to understand how proper diet and the importance of daily exercise can improve over all well being. He provides sound evidence for a healthy foundation. Passionate and decisive on mind body connection. Great read for anyone who is interested in having the tools for a lifestyle adjustment".
"A book you won't want to miss in order to get your own "body in balance"! Informational and motivating, David Dansereau's expertise provide great insight into what is proven to get us off balance. This book is one of a kind as it provides the keys to optimal nutrition and points out the culprits that may be holding us back. Full of enlightening information that is to be shared with anyone and everyone you care about. What a gift! Thank you for sharing yours David! This is literally a life saver! Don't keep it a secret!"
"David Dansereau's approach to the whole person is only part of what makes him a unique practitioner. Body in Balance gives all of us access to David --a true gift for anyone who wants to understand and make sense of whole, healthy approaches to living."
A Physical Therapist's Guide to Get your
Body in Balance

Biomarkers of Health
Discover your key health biomarkers and why knowing your numbers is vital to your longevity and a vibrant health span.
All about Metabolism
From keto, to paleo, to plant based we look at which plans support your metabolism and why all macronutrients are not created equal!
What is 'Smart Moves' Fitness?
Take a quick assessment to discover your movement age, identify muscle imbalances and restore your body to balance with effective physical therapist guided corrective exercises.
Eating Smart and Clean Made Simple
Confused about non GMO, keto, plant based, paleo or Mediteranian?? We keep it simple with our Eating Clean Solution. Our Smart Solution offers a sensible plan to remove genetically modified foods and irritants, and provides a clear system to add back in powerful healing micronutrients along with a smart physical therapist designed corrective exercise plan.
Stress Inflammation and the Disease Connection
Your gut is your second brain. Learn how to protect your gut from free radicals and GMO irritants and defend against disease by reducing chronic inflammatory stress.
Rest Mindfullness and Brain Health
Learn about the latest brain science on how to optimize the health of your brain and protect your memory for peak neural fitness.
Once we verify your purchase we will email you links to these great digital resources Movement Age Bonus and your Special Report on Inflammation!
SEND US YOUR AMAZON ORDER DETAILS BELOW with a Copy or Link to Your Review

"This book is an absolute must if you've been looking to finally get an overall balance in your HABITS. That's what it trains you to do. Find a habit , a lifestyle to follow for both healthy eating and living. The stigma of a healthy lifestyle is all in the mind, and David dives deep into this! A brilliant read for anyone struggling and needing a blueprint of healthy eating designed to help reduce the risk any and all chronic diseases."
David's background includes over 23 years of experience as a physical therapist as well as an additional combined 7+ years consulting as a clinical Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist in private practice. He is the founder of PTC Physical Therapy Consulting and SmartMovesPT which focus on developing and packaging innovative clinically proven physical therapy and proactive nutrition programs and services to individuals, teams and groups. David's new book and planned rehab pathway series will share some of his best practices, beginning with the first book in this series, "Body in Balance". In addition to his consulting practice, David has two online communities and courses he offers at PTC Wellness, and Know-Stroke.org which offer expanded interactive education and webinars to improve patient engagement. Both are examples of David's dedication to providing cutting-edge nutrition education and therapeutic exercise opportunities for his patients.
David has written articles for the National Stroke Association's Stroke Smart Magazine as well as for Advance for Physical Therapists. His story of stroke recovery, patient advocacy and awareness has also been featured in the New York Times, on Fox/ABC News, as well as in PT Products Online magazine. David also is the Co-Founder of EnableUs, a digital therapeutic platform for connecting stroke survivors, families and clinical care coordination and is also the co-host of the popular international podcast show, the Know Stroke Podcast.

Bonus #2- Special Report Taming Inflammation
Processed sugars, untested GMO foods and high glycemic starches all trigger inflammation. This special report provides a list of the top offenders and David's top ten superfoods list to tame inflammation and protect your heart, brain and optimize health.
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David Dansereau | SmartMovesPT, LLC